10 10 garden storage shed plans gable roof, Item: quantity: price: sub total: 4 x 4 x 10ft pressure treated (skids) 2: 2 x 4x 92 5/8(pre cuts) 43: 2 x 4 x 8ft: 1: 2 x 4 x 10ft: 8: 2 x 6 x 10: 11: 4ft x 8ft. 10' 12' gambrel storage shed & designs - shed plans, Material description 4" x 4" pressure treated, (2) 10'-0" long, (2) 12'-0" long 2" x 4" pressure treated, 10'-0" long 3/4" thick (or thicker) cdx plywood. 14' 20' storage shed porch plans backyard, Lifetime 6446 outdoor storage shed with shutters, windows, and skylights, 8 by 15 feet.
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